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Active principle
Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D3, E, H1, K, PP; folic acid, pantothenic acid, support.
Product to be used in all cases of overexertion: following acute and chronic debilitating diseases, insufficient nutrition, disvitaminosis from treatment with antibiotics or chemotherapy, during the hatching or nursing period of the nestlings, during the growth period of young subjects, in case of premature aging, moulting disorders, etc.
Cage and aviary birds. Administer 30 drops per 50 g of feed, or 15 drops per 50 ml of drinking water.
Continue the treatment for 10-15 days or perform cycles of 5 days alternating with 2 days of rest for three consecutive times.
Renew the drinking water every 24 hours.