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Active principle: vit. A stable 1250000 IU, vit. D 3 stable 200000 IU, vit. And stab. 312 mg, vit. B 1 312 mg, vit. B 2 750 mg, vit. B 6 437 mg, vit. B 12 1.25 mg, vit. PP 2500 mg, pantothenic acid 1250 mg, choline 75000 mg, cobalt 12.5 mg, iron 5000 mg, copper 625 mg, zinc 2500 mg, iodine 100 mg, manganese 5000 mg, L-lysine monohydrochloride 12500 mg, DL-methionine 6250 mg, BHT 936 mg, calcium carbonate from ground calcium rocks, precipitated dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, sodium chloride, magnesium oxide, natural flavoring, vegetable support to taste at 1000 g.
Indications: The Super Totalin Volatile prevents all manifestations of deficiency, balances the relationship between the energy of the ration and the need for vitamin and mineral elements, the imbalance of which is often the cause of low production and high mortality. phenomena of lower hatchability of the eggs.
Dosage: mix with the feed at a rate of 8-16 g every 10 heads per day, according to the needs and weight of the subjects.