ParafarmaciaPet 080-8406035
Clumping litter in natural clay. In contact with liquids, lumps form which retain both liquids and unpleasant odors.
Biokat's is a natural clay clumping litter. In contact with liquids, lumps form which retain both liquids and unpleasant odors. Biokat's quality promise: for Biokat's only high-quality clays are used that are capable of eliminating odors and have a high absorption capacity. This makes Biokat's much more hygienic than other litters. How to use: fill the clean cat tray approximately 7 cm of litter. Remove lumps and solid excrement daily. Refill instead of refilling! Throw the waste in the rubbish bin or in the biodegradable waste bin (follow the provisions in force at municipal level). Do not dispose of in the toilet