ParafarmaciaPet 080-8406035
Inspired by professional research, Birth Program is a unique nutritional solution that responds to the specific needs of the female and her pups during the first 5 stages of the life cycle: gestation, birth, lactation, weaning and growth up to 2 months of age.
START COMPLEX is an exclusive combination of nutritional elements present in mother's milk, reinforced with specific nutrients that actively contribute to promoting digestive safety and strengthening the puppy's immune defenses.
The nutritional profile is adapted to the high energy needs of the female at the end of gestation and during lactation.
The ideal nutritional response to facilitate the transition from milk to solid food (energy values, quality of proteins, fats).
The easy rehydration of the kibble allows to obtain a very palatable consistency of puree for the mother and for the puppies during weaning.
The recommended daily doses are as follows:
For pregnant / lactating females:
- from the sixth to the seventh week: 450 grams of product
- from the eighth to the ninth week: 560 grams of product
- breastfeeding: At will.
For puppies:
- age from 2 to 3 weeks: 30 grams of product
- age from 4 to 5 weeks: 200 grams of product
- age from 6 to 8 weeks: 280 grams of product.