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Nefrys can be usefully used in dogs and cats of all ages in order to safeguard the well-being of the upper urinary tract
Administer the quantity indicated in the table twice a day, concurrently with meals.
Shake the bottle well, insert the graduated syringe into the hole and take the chosen quantity indicated in the table.
Administer the contents of the syringe directly into the animal's mouth or mix it with the food.
It is advisable to use Nefrys for a minimum period of 6 months.
Body weight (Kg) ml
0-4 .......................... 0.5
5-8 .......................... 1
9 - 12 ...................... 1.5
13-16 ..................... 2
17 - 20 .................... 2.5
21 - 24 .................... 3
25 - 28 .................... 3.5
29 - 32 .................... 4
33 - 39 .................... 4.5
> 40 ........................ 5
Administer twice a day
TherePEA (palmitoylethanolamide)it is a natural substance present in many food sources of both animal and vegetable origin (eg eggs, soy). In the animal organism it acts as an endogenous biomodulator for maintaining the physiological balance of the kidneys. Nefrys replenishes the endogenous reserves of PEA in its most bioavailable form (ultra-micronized, PEA-um).
Theresilymarinis a complex of bioflavonoids extracted from Milk Thistle (Silybum Marianum), whose antioxidant action helps to maintain the normal oxidative balance.
Thechitosanand thecarbonateof calcium help to maintain, in the intestinal tract, a physiological level of phosphorus and products of the digestion of proteins (eg nitrogenous waste).