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Zyzke is indicated for the treatment of the hair and skin of dogs and cats, in the case of ectoparasite diseases and in particular in the treatment and prevention of flea and tick infestations.
Zyzke is indicated for the treatment of the hair and skin of dogs and cats, in the case of ectoparasite diseases and in particular in the treatment and prevention of flea and tick infestations.
How to use
Wet the coat of the dog and / or cat well with warm water and, using a pair of protective gloves, spread small quantities of product all over the animal, rubbing against the hair.
After about 15 minutes, rinse thoroughly and thoroughly and dry the animal.
Avoid that the product comes into contact with the eyes and mouth of the animals.
Allow at least 3 days to pass before the next use.
Indicative dosage
For small dogs or cats up to 15 ml of product; for medium-sized dogs up to 50 ml; for large dogs up to 100 ml. NB
A teaspoon corresponds to 5 ml; one tablespoon corresponds to 15 ml.
Permethrin (cis - trans 25:75).
Pyrethrum extract (25% pyrethrins).
Piperonyl butoxide.
Excipients per 100 ml of product contain: qs to 100 ml.
Do not use simultaneously with other disinfectants.
Consult a veterinarian before applying to lactating, gestating, sick or convalescent animals.
Avoid contact with eyes.
External use. In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with water.
Do not dispose of the container in the environment after use.
Keep the package tightly closed.
Not recommended for use by people and / or children.
Product to be used only for the described treatment.