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Frontline Spray
A single application of the product protects the animal from new infestations by ticks, fleas and lice, in particular:
from ticks: up to 1 month after treatment in both dogs and cats
from fleas: up to 3 months after treatment in dogs and up to 5 weeks after treatment in cats.
Fipronil, the active ingredient of Frontline spray, rapidly exerts its lethal action on ticks, preventing the development of the parasite and the possible transmission of infections of which the tick is a vector. It is active against the main species of ticks present on the national territory, including Ixodes ricinus, responsible for the transmission of Lyme disease to dogs, cats and humans.
Fipronil acts on fleas by rapidly killing adult forms, thus preventing egg laying and therefore new infestations. Thanks to its lethal action on adult fleas, fipronil effectively contributes to the control and resolution of Flea Allergic Dermatitis (FAD) which, in dogs and cats, is caused by the sensitizing action exerted by the antigens contained in the saliva of these parasites.
Fipronil also, with a single treatment, quickly and definitively controls and resolves lice infestations in dogs and cats, in particular those caused by Trichodectes canis, the dog's biting louse and by Felicola subrostratus, the cat's biting louse.
Depending on the length of the hair, spray from 3 to 6 ml of product / kg of weight. This volume corresponds to 2-4 sprays (1 delivery is equal to 1.5 ml) for each kg of weight.
How to use
Spray the entire surface of the animal's body "against the grain", from a distance of 10-20 cm, holding the bottle in a vertical position.
The nebulization must be practiced in a homogeneous way, so as to uniformly "wet" the hair of the whole body. At the end of the nebulization, carefully rub the back, shoulders, hips, abdomen, legs and neck to get the product in direct contact with the skin.
For the head and the area around the eyes, apply the product on a glove and wipe it gently “against the grain” on these parts.
At the end of these operations, let it dry naturally. Fipronil concentrates in the sebaceous glands of the hair follicles, in the 24 hours following application.