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instructions for use:
1. Detach the EXSPOT® tube by folding the pouch along the dotted line.
2. Free the EXSPOT® tube from the wrapping. Keeping the tube upright, cut with scissors or remove the apical end of the EXSPOT® tube.
3. Prevent the contents of the tube from coming into contact with your hands. Use protective gloves.
4. Apply the contents of the EXSPOT® tube directly on the dog's skin, taking care to remove the surrounding hair. Make sure that the product comes into direct contact with the dog's skin and does not slip on the coat.
5. In dogs weighing less than / equal to 15 kg apply the entire contents of a tube of EXSPOT® on the dog's skin in the area bounded by the two shoulder blades. In dogs weighing more than 15 kg, apply two tubes, one between the two shoulder blades and the other on the rump region at the base of the tail.
Generally, with a single treatment, protection from re-infestation is achieved for at least 4 weeks.
Apply EXSPOT spot-on before the appearance of external parasites to prevent infestations;
After application, EXSPOT spot-on is evenly distributed over the entire skin surface of the dog;
Repeat the application of EXSPOT spot-on every 4 weeks for the entire period of presence of parasites;
The use of shampoo before applying EXSPOT spot-on does not compromise the efficacy of the product. Dogs treated with EXSPOT spot-on should not be bathed before 12 hours have elapsed after treatment;
EXSPOT spot-on can also be applied to puppies from 2 weeks of age;
Do not use on lactating bitches. On pregnant bitches, use only according to the risk / benefit assessment by the responsible veterinarian.