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It is a particular insect repellent, designed to protect sores, wounds and small lacerations from attack by flies, especially in areas that are difficult to bandage.
It is sufficient to apply a small dose directly on the injured part to keep away the flies, which can be dangerous, as they could lay their eggs there, causing an infection.
The pink color of the Swat Original identifies the treated area.
Swat is a special insect repellent ointment for horses, specially formulated to protect wounds from the aggression of flies, gadflies and insects in general.
Ectoparasites continually bother the horse whether it lives outdoors or in the stable.
Insects settle all over the animal's body, but the presence of open wounds, lacerations, abrasions or skin sores attract even more of them.
These lesions, in fact, constitute an ideal “pabulum” especially for the flies that feed on them but also constitute a suitable environment for the deposition of their eggs, from which larvae will then hatch with very serious damage to the tissues surrounding the lesion.
For the protection of all skin lesions it is sufficient to apply a small layer of Swat to keep insects away, preventing them from feeding and depositing their eggs; moreover, Swat protects the wound from dust and impurities, preventing the onset of dangerous infections and promoting subsequent healing.
Swat is extremely practical, its application does not require any bandage and does not bother the horse; the particular pink color of the “Original” version allows you to easily recognize the point where the ointment has been applied.
Swat is part of the Farnam pest control program which aims to reduce the presence of parasites both on the horse and in the environment in which it lives.
Apply Swat directly to the lesion in sufficient quantity to cover it. Repeat the application until complete healing.