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To supplement the diet with Lactoferrin and Lysine in cats subject to infectious pressure (such as in carriers of Herpes Virus and Calici Virus)
To supplement the diet with Lactoferrin and Lysine in cats subject to infectious pressure (such as, for example, in carriers of Herpes Virus and Calici Virus) at the first onset of symptoms and in periods of exacerbation of the same.
Lactoferrin is a natural protein that mammals take at birth through colostrum and mother's milk and is physiologically present in all organic fluids (tears, saliva, bile, urine, blood, sperm, cervical mucus), there that is, where an immediate non-specific defense against the entry of infectious agents from the outside is required.
Lactoferrin is a component of bovine milk, from which it can be isolated with particular purification techniques. Herp contains a specific protein fraction of milk, particularly rich in lactoferrin. It is associated with lysine, whose nutritional integration in adequate quantities helps to support and support the animals' ability to react to the difficulties deriving from possible infections.