ParafarmaciaPet 080-8406035
ParafarmaciaPet 080-8406035
16 different green plants - rich in raw fiber with coarse texture, with an extra portion of dandelion and ideal for hay allergic pets / owners.
Lolium perenne, alopecurus pratense, fescue pratense, avena altissima, red fescue, poa annua, phleum pratense, ambrosia artemisifolia, dandelion leaves (at least 4%), potentilla anserina, ceratophillum, yarrow leaves, plantago lanceolata, white four-leaf clover, red four-leaf clover, lotus botanical herbal composition is subject to natural fluctuations.
Analytical elements
Crude protein 12% Crude fiber 22%
Tips for administration
up to 3 tablespoons per day - depending on the size and weight of the animal.