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Complementary feed for cats for particular nutritional purposes. Synergistic and complete action on the cutaneous and intestinal barrier.
NBF Lanes Ribes Pet Symbio Cat
Ribes Pet Symbio Gatto can be used as an adjuvant in case of:
Ribes Pet Symbio Gatto is a complementary feed that helps restore the main components of the skin and intestinal barrier by providing higher PUFAs , such as Ac. Gamma-Linolenic and Stearidonic, precursors of the prostaglandins PGE1 and PGE3 with anti-inflammatory action , without suppressing the immune response .
On the one hand , Ribes Pet Symbio cat thanks to the synergistic action of its components helps the efficiency of the skin barrier favoring the improvement of hydration and the consequent decrease of TEWL; on the other hand Ribes Pet Symbio cat facilitates the rebalancing of the intestinal microbiota by promoting the functionality of the intestinal barrier which represents the first line of defense against diarrheal symptoms
Thanks to its active ingredients, Ribes Pet Symbio cat supports oral tolerance, which is the fundamental process by which the intestine maintains immunological homeostasis at a local and systemic level.
Black currant seed oil 625 mg
Lactobacillus reuteri NBF 2 * 100 mg
Zinc Oxide 15 mg
Nucleotides 25 mg
* thermally inactivated