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Active principles
Rich in Black Currant Oil with a high concentration of Essential Fatty Acids with Burdock extract and Vitamin E
Indications for use
Ribes Pet Ultra palatable pasta is a dietary complementary feed intended for particular nutritional purposes for small dogs and cats, formulated in an appetizing paste with a high concentration of essential fatty acids and with burdock extract, to support the dermal function in case of dermatosis and excessive hair loss.
The dietary intake of w-6 and w-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids favors the normal function of the skin barrier.
How to use and daily ration
Administer the product orally directly into the mouth or in addition to the complete food, for a recommended period of use of up to 2 months, at the rate of:
CATS: 1.2 g of paste (equal to 1 notch of the graduated piston = 1 ml) per day;
DOGS : 1.2 g of paste (equal to 1 notch of the graduated piston = 1 ml) per day for every 10 kg of live weight.
Complete the daily ration with the usual food.
We suggest taking a balanced daily ration.
Always leave fresh water available.
It is recommended to seek the advice of a veterinarian before use