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Chicken flavored dry puppy food with the right balance of ingredients and minerals to support eye and brain development. Contains DHA from fish oil, and high quality protein for growth <span...
Chicken flavored dry puppy food with the right balance of ingredients and minerals to support eye and brain development. Contains DHA from fish oil, and high quality protein for growth <span...
Advance Veterinary Diets Hypoallergenic dog food with allergies is a dietary and complete food for puppies and adult dogs, formulated to reduce intolerances to ingredients and nutrients, with a single selected source of protein and a single selected source of carbohydrates
Advance Veterinary Diets Hypoallergenic dog food with allergies is a dietary and complete food for puppies and adult dogs, formulated to reduce intolerances to ingredients and nutrients, with a single selected source of protein and a single selected source of carbohydrates
Advance Veterinary Diets Atopic Mini dry food for dogs with atopic dermatitis are a dietetic and complete food, formulated for skin care in case of dermatitis and excessive hair loss, as well as to reduce intolerances to ingredients and nutrients. <span...
Advance Veterinary Diets Atopic Mini dry food for dogs with atopic dermatitis are a dietetic and complete food, formulated for skin care in case of dermatitis and excessive hair loss, as well as to reduce intolerances to ingredients and nutrients. <span...
Hygienic disaccustomer for dogs. The Dog Repellent removes the habit of the animal, and in particular the puppies, of dirtying in unwanted places <span style="font-size:10.5pt;line-height:107%;font-family:Arial,...
Hygienic disaccustomer for dogs. The Dog Repellent removes the habit of the animal, and in particular the puppies, of dirtying in unwanted places <span style="font-size:10.5pt;line-height:107%;font-family:Arial,...
45% Zinc Oxide is a product for horse care used in retropastoral problems, protective, astringent and adsorbent, it is also used in occlusive dressings
45% Zinc Oxide is a product for horse care used in retropastoral problems, protective, astringent and adsorbent, it is also used in occlusive dressings
Multiplex is a tonic based on vitamins of the B complex, which can be administered weekly to improve the appetite of horses in training, or can be used as a stimulant before competitions. <span...
Multiplex is a tonic based on vitamins of the B complex, which can be administered weekly to improve the appetite of horses in training, or can be used as a stimulant before competitions. <span...
HEMOREX POWDER provides all the nutrients to maintain the elasticity and integrity of the capillaries, essential to support stress and effort during a race <span style="font-size:10.5pt;line-height:107%;font-family:Arial,...
HEMOREX POWDER provides all the nutrients to maintain the elasticity and integrity of the capillaries, essential to support stress and effort during a race <span style="font-size:10.5pt;line-height:107%;font-family:Arial,...
It is widely recommended for its health properties in order to keep the horse in top condition. In addition to ensure the usual meal, a more palatable flavor <span style="font-size:10.5pt;line-height:107%;font-family:Arial,...
It is widely recommended for its health properties in order to keep the horse in top condition. In addition to ensure the usual meal, a more palatable flavor <span style="font-size:10.5pt;line-height:107%;font-family:Arial,...
Ointment based on natural substances such as Lanolin, Virgin beeswax, Veneta turpentine, specially formulated for the protection, hygiene and elasticity of the hoof
Ointment based on natural substances such as Lanolin, Virgin beeswax, Veneta turpentine, specially formulated for the protection, hygiene and elasticity of the hoof